1. A stepwise laboratory manual for the dissection and illustration of limbic and paralimbic structures: lessons learned from the Klingler’s technique.
Komaitis S, Stranjalis G, Kalamatianos T, Drosos E, Kalyvas AV, Skandalakis GP, Liouta E, Charalampopoulou E, Mazarakis N, Koutsarnakis C.
Surg Radiol Anat. 2022 Jul;44(7):1045-1061.
2. Introducing the Posterior Condylar Emissary Vein as an Effective Surgical Landmark for Optimizing the Standard Retrosigmoid Approach: An Anatomo-Imaging Study.
Koutsarnakis C, Drosos E, Komaitis S, Mazarakis N, Neromyliotis E, Kalyvas A, Troupis T, Stranjalis G.
World Neurosurg. 2022 Feb;158:174-179.
3. Direct Comparison Between the Kawase Approach and Retrosigmoid Intradural Suprameatal Corridor to Access the Petroclival Region Using Computed Tomography Quantitative Volumetric Analysis: A Cadaveric Study.
Stavrinou P, Drosos E, Komaitis S, Skandalakis GP, Mazarakis NK, Kalyvas AV, Troupis T, Goldbrunner R, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C.
World Neurosurg. 2022 Oct;166:e841-e849.
4. An Applied Anatomic Guide to Anterior Temporal Lobectomy and Amygdalohippocampectomy: Laboratory Cranial and White Matter Dissections to Inform Surgical Practice.
Charalampopoulou E, Neromyliotis E, Anastasopoulos L, Komaitis S, Drosos E, Skandalakis GP, Kalyvas AV, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C.
Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2023 Sep 4.
5. The Topography of the Frontal Terminations of the Uncinate Fasciculus Revisited Through Focused Fiber Dissections: Shedding Light on a Current Controversy and Introducing the Insular Apex as a Key Anatomoclinical Area.
Liakos F, Komaitis S, Drosos E, Neromyliotis E, Skandalakis GP, Gerogiannis AI, Kalyvas AV, Troupis T, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C.
World Neurosurg. 2021 Aug;152:e625-e634.
6. A systematic review of surgical treatments of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH).
Kalyvas A, Neromyliotis E, Koutsarnakis C, Komaitis S, Drosos E, Skandalakis GP, Pantazi M, Gobin YP, Stranjalis G, Patsalides A.
Neurosurg Rev. 2021 Apr;44(2):773-792.
7. Effects of brain radiotherapy on cognitive performance in adult low-grade glioma patients: A systematic review.
Koutsarnakis C, Neromyliotis E, Komaitis S, Mazarakis N, O’Hara DJ, Stranjalis G, Chumas P.
Radiother Oncol. 2021 Jul;160:202-211.
8. Deciphering the Fronto-striatal circuitry through the fiber dissection technique: Direct structural evidence on the morphology and axonal connectivity of the Fronto-caudate Tract.
Komaitis S, Koutsarnakis C, Lani E, Kalamatianos T, Drosos E, Skandalakis G, Liakos F, Liouta E, Kalyvas A, Stranjalis G.
J Neurosurg. 2021 Jan 1:1-13. doi: 10.3171/2020.7.JNS201287.
9. Mapping the human middle longitudinal fasciculus through a focused anatomo-imaging study: shifting the paradigm of its segmentation and connectivity pattern
Kalyvas A, Koutsarnakis C, Komaitis S, Karavasilis E, Christidi F, Skandalakis G, Liouta E, Papakonstantinou O, Kelekis N, Duffau H, Stranjalis G
Brain Struct Funct. 2020 Jan;225(1):85-119. doi: 10.1007/s00429-019-01987-6.
10 Mapping the superficial morphology of the occipital lobe: proposal of a universal nomenclature for clinical and anatomical use.
Koutsarnakis C, Komaitis S, Drosos E, Kalyvas AV, Skandalakis GP, Liakos F, Neromyliotis E, Lani E, Kalamatianos T, Stranjalis G.
Neurosurg Rev. 2019 Nov 22. doi: 10.1007/s10143-019-01212-2.
11. Sledge runner fasciculus: anatomic architecture and tractographic morphology.
Koutsarnakis C, Kalyvas AV, Skandalakis GP, Karavasilis E, Christidi F, Komaitis S, Velonakis G, Liakos F, Emelifeonwu J, Giavri Z, Kalamatianos T, Kelekis N, Stranjalis G.
Brain Struct Funct. 2019 Apr; 224(3):1051-1066
12. Defining the relationship of the optic radiation to the roof and floor of the ventricular atrium. A focused microanatomic study.
Koutsarnakis C, Kalyvas AV, Komaitis S, Liakos F, Skandalakis GP, Anagnostopoulos C, Stranjalis G.
J Neurosurg. 2018 May 4:1-12. doi: 10.3171/2017.10.JNS171836
13. Approaching the Atrium through the Intraparietal Sulcus: Mapping the sulcal morphology and correlating the surgical corridor to underlying fiber tracts.
Koutsarnakis C, Liakos F, Kalyvas AV, Liouta E, Emelifeonwu J, Kalamatianos T, Sakas DE, Johnson E, Stranjalis G.
Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2017 Aug 1;13(4):503-516.
14. The Superior Frontal Transsulcal Approach to the anterior ventricular system: Exploring the sulcal and subcortical anatomy using anatomic dissections and DTI tractography.
Koutsarnakis C, Liakos F, Kalyvas AV, Skandalakis GP, Komaitis S, Christidi F, Karavasilis E, Liouta E, Stranjalis G.
World Neurosurg. 2017 Oct;106:339-354.
15. The Cerebral Isthmus: Fiber tract anatomy, functional significance and surgical considerations.
Koutsarnakis C, Liakos F, Liouta E, Themistoclis K, Sakas DE, Stranjalis G.
J Neurosurg.2016 Feb;124(2):450-62. doi: 10.3171/2015.3.JNS142680
16. A laboratory manual for stepwise cerebral white matter fiber dissection.
Koutsarnakis C, Liakos F, Kalyvas AV, Sakas DE, Stranjalis G.
World Neurosurg.2015 Aug;84(2):483-93.
17. The topography of the frontal terminations of the uncinate fasciculus revisited through focused fiber dissections: Shedding light on a current controversy and introducing the insular apex as a key anatomo-clinical area.
Liakos F, Komaitis S, Drosos E, Neromyliotis E, Skandalakis GP, Gerogiannis IA, Kalyvas AV, Troupis T, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C.
World Neurosurg – in press
18. The Corticotegmental connectivity as an integral component of the descending extrapyramidal pathway. Novel and direct structural evidence stemming from focused fiber dissections.
Komaitis S, Liakos F, Kalyvas AV, Drosos E, Skandalakis GP, Neromyliotis E, Gerogiannis A, Troupis T, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C.
Neurosurg Rev. – 2021 Feb. DOI: 10.1007/s10143-021-01489-2
19. Dissecting the default mode network: direct structural evidence on the morphology and axonal connectivity of the fifth component of the cingulum bundle
Skandalakis G, Komaitis S, Kalyvas AV, Lani E, Kontrafouri C, Drosos E, Liakos F, Piagkou M, Placantonakis D, Golfinos J, Fountas K, Kapsalaki E, Hadjipanayis C, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C.
J Neurosurg. 2020 Apr 24:1-12. doi: 10.3171/2020.2.JNS193177.
20. The Frontal Longitudinal System as revealed through the fiber micro-dissection technique: Structural evidence underpinning the direct connectivity of the prefrontal-premotor circuitry.
Komaitis S, , Kalyvas AV, Skandalakis GP Drosos E, Lani E, Emelifeonwu J, Liakos F, Piagkou M, Kalamatianos T, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C.
J Neurosurg. 2019 Oct 4:1-13. doi: 10.3171/2019.6.JNS191224
21. Dorsal component of the superior longitudinal fasciculus revisited: novel insights from a focused fiber dissection study.
Komaitis S, Skandalakis GP, Kalyvas AV, Drosos E, Lani E, Emelifeonwu J, Liakos F, Piagkou M, Kalamatianos T, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C.
J Neurosurg. 2019 Mar 1:1-14. doi: 10.3171/2018.11
22. The Parieto-Occipital Artery Revisited: A Microsurgical Anatomic Study.
Kalamatianos T, Mavridis IN, Karakosta E, Drosos E, Skandalakis GP, Kalyvas A, Piagkou M, Koutsarnakis C, Stranjalis G.
World Neurosurg. 2019 Mar doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.02.21
23. Microsurgical Anatomy of the Precuneal Artery: Does It Really Exist? Clarifying an Ambiguous Vessel Under the Microscope.
Mavridis IN, Kalamatianos T, Koutsarnakis C, Stranjalis G.
Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2016 Mar 1;12(1):68-76.
24. The Microsurgical Anatomy of the Orbitofrontal Arteries.
Mavridis IN, Kalamatianos T, Koutsarnakis C, Stranjalis G.
World Neurosurg. 2016 May;89:309-19.