13 – 14 May 2024


15 – 17 May 2024

We are pleased to announce the 9th International course on Neurosurgical Anatomy and White Matter Dissection which will be held at the Athens Microneurosurgery Laboratory, Athens, Greece in May 2024.

In the first part of this hands-on course, the participants will have the opportunity to identify and dissect most of the basic cerebral fiber tracts through the white matter dissection technique. In the second part, trainees will review the basic skull base anatomy encountered during common and more advanced neurosurgical approaches to the cranial compartments through stepwise cadaveric dissections.

At the end of this educational activity the participants should be able to:

    • Provide an overview of the complex skull base and cerebral white matter anatomy
    • Describe in an efficient and stepwise manner the most common neurosurgical approaches for the treatment of vascular /neoplastic lesions.
    • Link white matter anatomy to functional brain connectivity

Both Courses for this year are full.

You can fill-in the registration form and get priority for the next years courses.

Payment Options

Any tax or other deduction is to be paid by the client.

If you have any inquiries, please contact Mrs Maria Loufardaki before payment

email: ekne@neurosurgery.org.gr

tel: +30 210 722 9250 – fax: +30 210 722 9857


IBAN: GR 7901720310005031084747093

* Note: You can avoid or minimize additional charges from your bank if you have a SEPA bank account. If you have a bank account in EUR currency in a country which is in SEPA, make the transfer in EUR and state in the order that you are making SEPA transfer. By doing this your bank should not charge you additionally as for international transfers.

Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) is to make easier and less expensive transfers in EUR to SEPA member countries. As of February 2014 SEPA consists of the 28 EU member states, the 4 members of the EFTA – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland and Monaco and San Marino.

Transfers in EUR from countries, which are not in SEPA will be performed as International transfers, which usually cost more.

2.CREDIT CARD/Debit/Prepaid

Pay securely with your Credit Card/Debit/Prepaid card at Piraeus Bank’s ePos.

note: You will be redirected to Piraeus Bank Secure Payments page.

Registration Form